ponedeljek, 19. maj 2008

Opravilo letnik / Passed the school year

Danes sem uradno opravilo letnik. Nisem imelo slabih ocen. Skratka so bile boljse kot wsa prejsnja leta ... Ko sem domow prineslo spricewalo sem bilo nawduseno ... Dokler nisem widelo nereda w swoji sobi ... Ja, mati me ma res rada ... In kot, da to ni (bilo) dovolj, ko je videla moje spričevalo je vprašala (takorekoč) Kja sem naredilo, da sem naredilo in Kako sem dobilo vse tiste ocene (a so mi skozi prste pogledali)!!! Ce jazst ne bi jest bilo, ubilo bi jo!!! Ampak za kaj takega sem cisto prewec leno za to ...

To je wse, folk! Se widimo!!!

Today I have officially passed all the classes of this years ... (year???) Well I passed the school-year ... Shit, this is weirder (lol) than I expected ... However, my grades weren't bad. In fact, they were much better than those in my former school-years(???)! I don't want to know who's reading this ryt (right) now ... Well, when I brought the school report home I was thrilled!!! ... Ryt untill I saw the mess in my (bed)room ... My mommay (mom, mother, mommy) really loves me, yup she does ... And like if thazz (that is) not enough (!!!) she looked at my report and asked me what did I do to pass all the classes and what to get all those grades!!! If I wasn't me I'd just kill her!!! But I'm ways (I don't use word way, exept if I'm writing sth official ... u know ... like tests ... or books ...) to lazy to do that ...

Thazz all folks! See ye!!!

1 komentar:

Uros pravi ...

jap jap ker bodba ideja dvojezičnost.

sam tale tvoj blog pa seka s telm barvam d kr peče:S