ponedeljek, 27. julij 2009


Prazno *by PoLona Klemenc*

Zrem v ogledalo.

Ni me v odsevu.

Ni pravi občutek.

Sem duh v svojih mislih.

Sem tisti, ki sem ga pustil za sabo.

Vseskozi romam po hiši.

Zdi se, da nič ni narobe.

In nič ni prav.

Ne opazim se.

Stopim kar skozi sebe.

Zrem v ogledalo.

Prazno je.


Empty *by PoLona Klemenc*

I stare at the mirror.

I'm not in the reflection.

It doesn't feel right.

I'm the ghost inside my mind.

I'm the one I left behind.

I keep on roaming the house.

It seems like nothing is wrong.

And nothing is right.

I don't notice myself.

I walk straight through myself.

I stare at the mirror.

It's empty.

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