petek, 2. september 2011

My best friend said we should both write a blog on this particular theme. At first I didn't like the idea, because my artistic mind came to a cute little thing every artist hates most - the artistic mindblock - if that is, what it's called. The thing is like a sickness ..
However, this theme is pleasant and nice, and the best part, I don't have to make one thing up. The story is long, but I will try to make it as short as possible, and will as well try to make it a nice reading.

So, this is a story about a boy, named Uroš, a person of many hobbies and plenty time to spend it on them. Sometimes, I even get myself to believe he stole time from Cronos, the great old titan, who had the Time under his comand.
So, Uroš once found himself a perfect book; it was the first in the series of 'A Song Of Ice And Fire'. The book was called 'A Game Of Thrones', and it took him over completely. Actually, he was so inspired by it, he told me I had to read it, and he even insisted on lending me his, which is a very rare thing to happen, when it comes to his books. So, that is the story of a boy, so now let's get on with a different one.

This is a story of a girl. A book was forced onto me. I didn't want to read it, since I had already had one or two unread of my own. But well, Uroš is a person who won't fall just onto anything .. Or is he?
I couldn't bring myself to start with the read just like that. But once, I happened to just get a reading itch. And I had to read, no matter what. So, I decided to pick this book up, and to open it. I started to read slowly, since I love these kind of books, though I wasn't too sure, because sometimes they are just a bore; the writers can't write; the situations are clumsy; the characters are dull and stereotyped. Not that I'm too bothered, these books are easy to read, mostly. And some really shorten your wait, or are great to blow time by going through them, but ... there is always a but. Like that Twilight saga. Very interesting, and sweet, and pretty, and romantic, and so forth and back. It really gives you the thrill, and expectation of something, and you also feel pleasant after you've read it. But ... there is always a but. I would lie, if I said Twilight wasn't interesting and all that, but the truth is this as well: 'it is empty, it is shallow, it is dull, it is clumsy, it is all black and white. Beautiful! But not.
However, this was a total ... it was pure awesomeness. I had plenty of pages read without even knowing it. I admit it, it was hard at times, because the book is, well, filled with people; and this or that thing, these people did, or are doing, it is complex; and there is this vivid description of the landscapes; and the characters are so very human, and so very immature at times, they literally grow and fall in front of your eyes!; and there are so many interesting, and unbelievable, rather unthinkable closures there ...
Though, I kinda don't want to read any more of that, for the thought, of any of my fav. characters getting killed ... Let me first say, that I'm about at the beginning of the third book - A Storm Of Swords.
And I seriously don't want to read the book no longer, if either Arya, Jon, or Tyrion get killed.
Though Tyrion probably will, because he is the writers favourite, so who knows what other kind of hell will Mr. Martin bring upon him.
Jon might get killed, because he is constantly at that very edge of that double-edged sword (not to mention that he is a bastard :P), but maybe that is the reason he survives.
My greatest fear goes to Arya though; she is just old enough to get killed, without anyone seriously freaking out; Bran actually survived - to where I'm at -; and she is a prodigy plus a very bold kid - how coud she have survived so far? ... Yet Arya has this - quirky and cute at the same time - thing about her, that you just HAVE TO love.
I love the series so much, I even went and watched the HBO ones. That was such a disaster at some points, very far from the book as well, but I didn't mind watching, and I totally fell into the character.

A story of a 5-hour wait.
I've been there, and done that, and even put it on paper afterwards :D :D :D
Uroš has the original, though, and I didn't make copies. However, let's get that long story short.
I got there at 6:20 pm, and the place was crawling with people. At that moment, I thought to myself something, like:' OMG! People! Plenty! Can't do this ...' But after a couple of minutes, I knew I could. It should only be a two-hour wait, right? WRONG.
After the 30 mins (or was it even more) outside, there was the horrid thing just in between the front doors and the lobby, where a kid had collapsed, an one-hour wait in the lobby, a quick move up the stairs and a load of line upstairs. When I got to the first floor, I knew it was really bad. But I didn't know how bad it was, until I came from around the corner. But fuck the corner, there was a thing like a labyrinth of lines there, after that. Oh, really? The 'labyrinth' against the final line, I have no words for it! It was like the Netherlands' Mount Vaals (332'7) against the Alps, or (let's exaggerate) Mount Everest. The Final Line was actually pretty much as long as the whole trip until then, maybe multiplied by 2, or maybe 3. And then, after that line, there was this oasis. I could see the almighty GRRM, he was sitting on his throne, signing autographs, and looking great!
The Lord of the North, Eddard Stark, or Boromir to everyone else, was sitting on the Iron Throne behind him, looking troubled. I kind of had this feeling that, he was symbolising GRRM's suffering, they had to feel quite alike - different reasons and all that included. Yet still, Mr. Martin looked like he was there, chit-chatting for five hours. He was so fresh-looking, and had such a kind smile on his face. You could see he was really tired, but he didn't show it. If I didn't know, he was there the whole time - working his arm off, not being able to move, with the exeptional shaking of hands, writing, and talking to people -, I'd probably never believe he was tired.

A walk around a corner and I was standing in front of him. I started to blable, about how much Uroš loves his work, and how thrilled he was to hear of him coming to Si, but couldn't come, because he had to go to Scotland. And I pushed my friends book in front of him, so he could sign it, and even dared to give him my favourite 'Ninja Turtles' notebook to sign. It was among my favourite things in the world! I told him it was my favourite, when he laughed a bit. It was a kind laugh though, and he did sign it. :D :D :D

I saved it among the happiest moments of my life, in my mind. I also got Mr. Gorenc to sign the book, and he also wrote a dedication, quoting my words. It was the awesomest dedication ever. Also, he immediately knew who Uroš was. It was crazy. :D :D :D Too bad, I didn't ask him for an autograph, but I was really out, or off.

I also had this very kind gentleman, working as a security guard there, to help me take pictures of Mr. Martin, and after the whole ceremony, I met him outside later, and we talked for a bit. It was really great. Somewhere, before I met him outside, I saw Martin, Gorenc, and a couple of others I didn't know, walk down the street, past me. I thought, I should follow them, and take pictures, and stalk like every normal person, but I didn't have the heart to bug them more.

The whole thing wouldn't happen, if it wasn't for my best friend.

Thank you, Urron sama!!!

I would also like to thank Mr. George Martin for his patience, and for signing every single autograph there was, and even with a smile on his face. He is THE MAN! An amazing person!

A thanks goes to Mr. Gorenc as well, for being a good narrator, and keeping us cool. And of course for autograph and the dedication of pure awesomeness.

And of course, a thanks goes to every single person, who took care of us, up there on the hellway, and of course, to all the kids, who came to the event, and kept their coolness till the very end, and for making others smile, and for all the chit-chat ...

Thanks for the read, cye l8r ;)

nedelja, 10. julij 2011

Ena najboljših pesmi wseh časow / One of the greatest songs ever

Naslov pesmi: Tornero
Izvajalec: I Santo California
Album: Se Davvero Mi Vuoi Bene ... Tornero
Leto: 1974

S to pesmijo so se ISC prebili na wrh Italije, nekaj kasneje so postali globalni, pesem je bila predwajana po wsem swetu in besedilo le-te prewedeno w mnogo jezikow.

Kljub wsesplošni slawi so w Italiji utrpeli hladen tuš, saj jih niso predwajali praktično na nobeni pomembnejših glasbenih TV oddaj.
Na prestižnem glasbenem Sanremo festivalu so, leta 1978, kot tekmowalci, s pesmijo 'Monica' pristali na tretjem mestu.
Po tem uspehu ali neuspehu, so počasi zbledeli w ozadje in nastopali le še na regionalnih in lokalnih sejmih.

Pesem gowori o dečku, ki odhaja z wlakom in zapušča swojo ljubezen, swoje dekle.
Prešlo je leto, on pa še naprej hrepeni po njej in njeni ljubezni in obljublja, 'Tornero', da se bo wrnil ...

Nikoli se nisem poglabljala w besedilo, mogoče sem ga razumela kot otrok, a wsakič, ko sem jo slišala, me je pesem pretresla ...
Tako ali drugače, namerno oddaja mogočno energijo, w kateri tiči moč njegowe obljube, njej in samemu sebi. I Santo California so wsa ta čustwa (w tej obljubi) čudowito pretworili w melanhonično melodijo, ki je kljub temu prelepo barvita.

Kar se tiče zatona skupine, to se dogaja, ko žiwiš med fowšljiwci, naj jih bo sram, band je bil preweč dober za izumrtje!

Kar se tiče pesmi, res mi je žal tega tipa, ampak bodimo realni, ženska ga je pozabila po kakšnem mesecu ali šestih in ga zamenjala za nekega waškega bogatina.

Song Title: Tornero
Performers: I Santo California
Album: Se Davvero Mi Vuoi Bene ... Tornero
Year: 1974

With this song ISC got their breakthrough to the top of Italy, and a bit later they suddenly went global, the song was aired worldwide and the lyrics were translated into many languages.

Notwithstanding the fame they had achieved in the World the band was snubbed in Italy, for they were hardly broadcasted in any of the principal musical TV programs.
At the prestigius Sanremo Music Festival 1978, the group as contestans ended up in third place with a song titled 'Monica'.
After that success or failure, they slowly faded away and were left off performing at regional and local fairs.

The song speaks to us through a boy, who's leaving by a train, abandoning his love, his girl.
A year passed by and he's still yearning for her and her love, promising: 'Tornero', he will come back ...

I have never really immersed* into the lyrics, maybe I understood those when I was a little, yet every single time I heard it, the song shook my insides - as in emotionally ...
Either way, the song is intentionally radiating a vibrant energy, whithin which stirrs the power of his promise, promise to her and himself. I Santo California wonderfully convertet those strong emotions (upon the promise) into a melancholy melody, which is, against all odds, beautifully colorful.

As far as the concern of the fading of the band goes, this is what occurs, while u live among envious snobbs, they should be ashamed!, the band was too good for extinction!

Concerning the song, I really deeply feel for this guy, but let's be real, the woman has forgotten him after somewhere between one and six months and swapped him with a certain town 'Richie Rich' character.

* - inappropriate word, can't find another atm ... myb I should try with 'dive into', 'submerge', ...