Naslov pesmi: Tornero
Izvajalec: I Santo California
Album: Se Davvero Mi Vuoi Bene ... Tornero
Leto: 1974
S to pesmijo so se ISC prebili na wrh Italije, nekaj kasneje so postali globalni, pesem je bila predwajana po wsem swetu in besedilo le-te prewedeno w mnogo jezikow.
Kljub wsesplošni slawi so w Italiji utrpeli hladen tuš, saj jih niso predwajali praktično na nobeni pomembnejših glasbenih TV oddaj.
Na prestižnem glasbenem Sanremo festivalu so, leta 1978, kot tekmowalci, s pesmijo 'Monica' pristali na tretjem mestu.
Po tem uspehu ali neuspehu, so počasi zbledeli w ozadje in nastopali le še na regionalnih in lokalnih sejmih.
Pesem gowori o dečku, ki odhaja z wlakom in zapušča swojo ljubezen, swoje dekle.
Prešlo je leto, on pa še naprej hrepeni po njej in njeni ljubezni in obljublja, 'Tornero', da se bo wrnil ...
Nikoli se nisem poglabljala w besedilo, mogoče sem ga razumela kot otrok, a wsakič, ko sem jo slišala, me je pesem pretresla ...
Tako ali drugače, namerno oddaja mogočno energijo, w kateri tiči moč njegowe obljube, njej in samemu sebi. I Santo California so wsa ta čustwa (w tej obljubi) čudowito pretworili w melanhonično melodijo, ki je kljub temu prelepo barvita.
Kar se tiče zatona skupine, to se dogaja, ko žiwiš med fowšljiwci, naj jih bo sram, band je bil preweč dober za izumrtje!
Kar se tiče pesmi, res mi je žal tega tipa, ampak bodimo realni, ženska ga je pozabila po kakšnem mesecu ali šestih in ga zamenjala za nekega waškega bogatina.
Song Title: Tornero
Performers: I Santo California
Album: Se Davvero Mi Vuoi Bene ... Tornero
Year: 1974
With this song ISC got their breakthrough to the top of Italy, and a bit later they suddenly went global, the song was aired worldwide and the lyrics were translated into many languages.
Notwithstanding the fame they had achieved in the World the band was snubbed in Italy, for they were hardly broadcasted in any of the principal musical TV programs.
At the prestigius Sanremo Music Festival 1978, the group as contestans ended up in third place with a song titled 'Monica'.
After that success or failure, they slowly faded away and were left off performing at regional and local fairs.
The song speaks to us through a boy, who's leaving by a train, abandoning his love, his girl.
A year passed by and he's still yearning for her and her love, promising: 'Tornero', he will come back ...
I have never really immersed* into the lyrics, maybe I understood those when I was a little, yet every single time I heard it, the song shook my insides - as in emotionally ...
Either way, the song is intentionally radiating a vibrant energy, whithin which stirrs the power of his promise, promise to her and himself. I Santo California wonderfully convertet those strong emotions (upon the promise) into a melancholy melody, which is, against all odds, beautifully colorful.
As far as the concern of the fading of the band goes, this is what occurs, while u live among envious snobbs, they should be ashamed!, the band was too good for extinction!
Concerning the song, I really deeply feel for this guy, but let's be real, the woman has forgotten him after somewhere between one and six months and swapped him with a certain town 'Richie Rich' character.
* - inappropriate word, can't find another atm ... myb I should try with 'dive into', 'submerge', ...
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