sreda, 25. junij 2008

Sowrazimo drugacne/Letz hate those who differ from us!!!

Drugacno sem od tebe. In ti si drugacen od mene. To je resnica. In je dejstvo.
Zakaj smo si drugacni? Zakaj bi morali biti enaki?
Nisem tako kot ti. In tudi nocem biti tako kot si. Nocem imeti twojega obraza ali las, twojih oci, tipa/barwe koze. Nocem imeti istega pogleda na swet kot ga imas ti. Nocem imeti glasu kakrsnega imas ti. Nocem pisati pesmi in zgodb na nacine na kakrsne jih ti.
Nocem te uzaliti. Nikogar izmed was. Ampak ce bi imelo enake kwalitete kot ti ali izglede, twoje popolno telo ... To ne bi wec bilo jaz.
Sem posebno in popolno in hocem ostati posebno in popolno. Praw tak si ti. In ti moras ostati ti. Eden in edini. Ti.
Ne sowrazi tistih, ki so ali hocejo biti drugacni. Moral bi jih spostowati mnogo bolj kot spostujes tiste, ki tebi hocejo biti enaki.

Ampak pomni; cez wse spostuj sebe.

I am different from you. And you are different from me. This is the truth. And is also a fact.
Why are we different? Why should we all be the same?
I am not like you. I dont want to be as you are. I dont want to have your face or your hair, your eyes, the type/collor of your skin. I dont want to have the exact same view on the world as you. I dont want to have a voice like yours. I dont want to write songs and stories the ways you do.
I dont want to insult you. Any of you. But having just the same qualities you have or the looks, your perfect body ... It wouldnt be me anymore.
I am special and perfect and want to remain special and perfect. And so are you. And you should remain you. One and only. You.
Dont hate those who are or want to be different. U should respect them much more than u respect those who want to be like you.

But remember; over all respect yourself.

torek, 24. junij 2008

Mi laže w obraz/Lying at my face

Kaj je dandanes narobe z ljudmi? Zakaj se lazejo? Zakaj prikiwajo resnico? Zakaj mene tretirajo za laznjiwca samo zato ker so sami taki in ker se samo ne znajdem w besedah? Zakaj ne moremo ziweti w swetu kjer preprosto wes kako nekaj powedati nekomu brez da bi on kasneje obrnil wsako besedo, ki jo izreces?
Hocem da meni goworite resnico. Hocem jo, ljubim jo in prenesla jo bom lazje kot pa dobro zacinjeno laz.
Zakaj bi stwari prikriwali, ko pa wsi wemo, da bodo wse slej ko prej razkrite? Razumem, nekomu das obljubo, le-te ne gre prelomiti, ampak kaj pa wse ostale lazi? Resnica boli. Ampak se bolj pa boli laz, se posebej po tem, ko slisis resnico.
Torej poskusimo sami goworiti resnico kolikor je mogoce.
Ok, moj uradn priznanje; Gorgo nikol te nism nwemkok maralo. Si pa sexy pa lustn ... Kokr Barbika ...

Resnica oswobaja.

Ko nekomu powes resnico, se ti ogromna skala odkotali od srca. Pa cetudi ti potem pade na nogo.

Whats the matter with people nowaydays? Why do they lie? Why do they hide the truth? Why are they treating me as a liar just because theyre like that and I arent good with words? Why cant we live in a world where you simply know how o tell sumthin to someone without having known he/she will later twist every single word you spoke?
I want you to tell me the truth when talkin to me. I want it and I love it and i know I will handle it easier than a well spiced lie. Why hiding things from others while we all know sooner or later all will find out bout them? I understand if u promise someone you wont tell - it's a promise - u mustnt break one, but what about all other lies? Truth hurts. But even more than the truth hurts a lie, especially after you have heard the truth.

So let's try to speak the truth as much as possible.
Ok my official confess; Gorgo Ive never really liked u much. U're sexy & cute though ... Like a Barbie-doll ...

The truth will set you free.

When you tell someone the truth a great rock rolls off your heart. Even though it might fall on your foot afterwards.

ponedeljek, 23. junij 2008

Belo in Črno/White and Black

Da naredim konec prekletim debatam o belem in crnem!!!

Moj swet je narejen iz barw!!!
Ni bele in ni crne! To sploh nista barwi!
Bela nastane, ko se pod swetlobo wse barwe med seboj iznicjo, crna je pa mesanica wseh barw na podlagi (ki je po moznosti bela ...)!!!
Prav tako ni wse siwo, kakor wecina wasih gnilih (siwih) celic. Ce zivljenja ne widite w barwah ste se bolj slepi kakor so slepa bitja slepa ...
Zivljenje je lepo, le ce si dobro ogledas wse barve iz katerih je sestawljeno. A ker je wecina wseh ljudi amerikanizirana wsi pricakujejo, da bo ziwljenje lepse, ko bodo izgubili/pridobili 10 kil in zmagali na lotu. Wsi pricakujejo, da bo rewscine konec ce bodo darowali UNICEFu ali Rdecemu Krizu ...
Dokler belec ni prisel w Afriko so bili ljudje tam bogati! Dokler ni prisel w Ameriko so tamkajsni ljudje ziweli tesno powezano z Naravo! Dokler ni prisel w Avstralijo so imeli tamkaj mnogo razlicnih wrst ziwalstva in rastlinstva ...

Clovek je stopil na Luno. Pozna Mars. Zanima ga ziwljenje TAM ZUNAJ. Zeli pomagati tistim TAM ZUNAJ. TAM ZUNAJ, kjer njegowa pomoc nikoli ni bila potrebna. Wsaj ne dokler ni wseh bitij TAM ZUNAJ zasuznjil.
Kaj pa jaz? Kaj pa ti? Tvoj oče in tvoja mati? Bratje in sestre? Prijatelji? Kaj pa ljudje, ki ziwijo w twoji neposrednji okolici?
Morda smo wsi, ki ziwimo w tvoji bljizini bolj potrebni twoje pomoci, blizine in se posebej ljubezni, kot pa wsi tisti TAM ZUNAJ ...

Wsako ziwljenje je sestawljeno iz barw in wsaka barwa predstawlja del tebe in dele ljubljenih in dele drugih, ki w twoje ziwljenje wstopajo in izstopajo le mimogrede. Wsaka barwa je pomembna. Wsak najmanjsi odtenek. Dokler se ne zawes tega se ne bos zawedel lepot ziwljenja in ne bos widel.

Now just to stop the damn debates about blach & white!

My world is made of colors!!!
There is no black and there is no white!!! Black and white arent even colours!!! White happens to become, when all colours undo one another under the light! And hey u wouldnt believe me! The black is a mixture of all collors!
Also I have to tell u not everything is as grey as your rotten cells. If you dont see the collours you happen to be even more blind as blind can be!!!

Life is beautiful only if you pull your head out of your arse and take a good look at all the collours it (world/life) is made of. But as we know the most of people is americanised and everyone expects to live a swell life if they lose/ad 10 kilos (bout 20 pounds) or win a lottery or sumtin. Everyone thinks the poverty will disappear if they donate to UNICEF or the Red Cross ...

Untill the white man came to Africa people were actually rich there! Untill he set his foot on the new land, America, people lived side by side w/ Nature! Untill he got to Australia many diferent and really interesting species of animals and plants lived there!

Man walked on the Moon. Man knows Mars. He is interested in the life OUT THERE. He wants to help those OUT THERE. OUT THERE where his help or service
was never needed. At least untill he enslaved everyone OUT THERE.
What bout me? What about you? Your father, your mother? Brothers and sisters? Friends? What about people who actually live w/ you?
Maybe we are more in the need of your help than all those people OUT THERE together ...

Every life is made of collours and each collour represents a part of you, a part of those u love, and those who just come in your life 'by the ways' and leave the same ways ... Every collour matters. Every single shade. And as long as you wont notice them you wont notice the beauty of life, of living. You wont see untill then.