sreda, 25. junij 2008

Sowrazimo drugacne/Letz hate those who differ from us!!!

Drugacno sem od tebe. In ti si drugacen od mene. To je resnica. In je dejstvo.
Zakaj smo si drugacni? Zakaj bi morali biti enaki?
Nisem tako kot ti. In tudi nocem biti tako kot si. Nocem imeti twojega obraza ali las, twojih oci, tipa/barwe koze. Nocem imeti istega pogleda na swet kot ga imas ti. Nocem imeti glasu kakrsnega imas ti. Nocem pisati pesmi in zgodb na nacine na kakrsne jih ti.
Nocem te uzaliti. Nikogar izmed was. Ampak ce bi imelo enake kwalitete kot ti ali izglede, twoje popolno telo ... To ne bi wec bilo jaz.
Sem posebno in popolno in hocem ostati posebno in popolno. Praw tak si ti. In ti moras ostati ti. Eden in edini. Ti.
Ne sowrazi tistih, ki so ali hocejo biti drugacni. Moral bi jih spostowati mnogo bolj kot spostujes tiste, ki tebi hocejo biti enaki.

Ampak pomni; cez wse spostuj sebe.

I am different from you. And you are different from me. This is the truth. And is also a fact.
Why are we different? Why should we all be the same?
I am not like you. I dont want to be as you are. I dont want to have your face or your hair, your eyes, the type/collor of your skin. I dont want to have the exact same view on the world as you. I dont want to have a voice like yours. I dont want to write songs and stories the ways you do.
I dont want to insult you. Any of you. But having just the same qualities you have or the looks, your perfect body ... It wouldnt be me anymore.
I am special and perfect and want to remain special and perfect. And so are you. And you should remain you. One and only. You.
Dont hate those who are or want to be different. U should respect them much more than u respect those who want to be like you.

But remember; over all respect yourself.

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